Conscious Breathing Workbook

Chapter 3: Exercise to Experience Prana. Download Click Here

Chapter 4: Exercise to Experience Prana Vayu and Apana Vayu. Download Click Here

Chapter 12: Diaphragmic Breathing Part 1. Download Click Here

Chapter 12: Diaphragmic Breathing Experience Part Two Ujjayi Breathing. Download Click Here

Chapter 13: Exercise and Meditation For Root Lock-Mula Bandha. Download Click Here

Chapter 13: Exercise and Meditation for the Diaphragm Lock-Uddiyana Bandha. Download Click Here

Chapter 13: Exercise and Meditation for the Beginners Neck Lock. Download Click Here

Chapter 13: Exercise to Experience the Advanced Neck Lock-Jalandhara Bandha. Download Click Here

Chapter 13: Exercise and Meditation to Experience Maha Bandha and Ujjayi Breathing. Download Click Here

Chapter 14: Exercise and Meditation to Experience-Om External Chanting. Download Click Here

Chapter 14: Exercise to Experience Om-Internal Chanting. Download Click Here

Chapter 15: Meditation for your First Chakra.  Download Click Here

Chapter 15 Meditation for the Second Chakra.  Download Click Here

Chapter 15: Meditation for your Third Chakra. Download Click Here

Chapter 15: Meditation for your Fourth Chakra. Download Click Here

Chapter 15: Meditation for your Fifth Chakra. Download Click Here

Chapter 15: Meditation for your Sixth Chakra. Download Click Here

Chapter 15: Meditation for your Seventh Chakra. Download Click Here

Chapter 16: Exercise for Prayer Mudra-Anjali Mudra. Download Click Here

Chapter 16: Exercise for Venus Mudra. Download Click Here

Chapter 16: Exercise for Gyan Mudra. Download Click Here

Chapter 17: The Connection – Pranayama and Meditation Practice. Download Click Here

Chapter 19: Asana Yoga Postures Series. Download Click Here

Chapter 20: Prepare For Chakra Dhyana Meditation Pranayama. Download Click Here

Chapter 20: Chakra Dhyana Meditation and Parvathi Padma Dhyana. Download Click Here